Pillar candles stand out due to their intricate designs and shapes. Each candle is a work of art, adding a touch of elegance and uniqueness to your space. Whether it’s a rose ball candle, a ribbed candle, or other creative forms, soy wax pillar candles captivate the eye. Pouring wax into a mould allows you to create consistent and detailed designs. It’s like magic—wait for the wax to set, and you’ll have a candle shaped like a delicate flower or an abstract piece of art. These candles are artistic creations with intricate shapes and designs. 

Attention, Our pillar candles are for DECORATIVE purposes, however, if you wish to light them, beware that they will burn for a short time. If you decide to burn our pillar candles, please place them on a tray or dish with edges. Do not light the candle on a tablecloth as this can be a fire hazard. Only burn the pillar candle within sight and away from children and pets.

We have tested timelessly all of our pillar candles, however, each pillar candle burning experience may vary, due to their shape and size. Pillar candles have intricate contours, curves, and details. These irregular surfaces can affect the surface area exposed to the flame. We cannot guarantee that each pillar candle will burn evenly or completely. 

Always keep your candle upright and straight to enhance the quality of your burn.


Handmade and Eco-Friendly:

These candles are lovingly poured by hand, emphasising quality and attention to detail.

We use natural soy wax, which is a sustainable and renewable resource.

Vegan-Friendly: Soy wax is plant-based and suitable for vegans.

Environmental Consciousness: By minimizing their environmental footprint, these candles contribute to a greener lifestyle.

Our candles can be made in various colours and a variety of scents, or if you prefer, unscented.